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ASIA EVANGELICAL COLLEGE & SEMINARY has taken to heart the need for training and equipping Asians in Asia.  Our students come not only from all around India, but also from neighboring countries such as Nepal, Myanmar, and even as far as from Korea.


Our Statements of Faith and the Five Spirits underline our approach to theological education.  There is a dearth of committed, reliable pastors and Christian leaders, who can take responsible positions in Church and Society.  It is also true that theological education (evangelical) in this country is suffering due to the lack of well qualified Christian personnel.


Under the authority of the Scripture, ASIA EVANGELICAL COLLEGE & SEMINARY endeavors to fulfill its commitment to the ministry through graduate education, professional development and spiritual formation.  The Degree courses offered by our institution seek to promote sound theological training and the formation equipment of pastors, evangelists, church planters, and leadership personnel for the varied ministry of the church planters, and for the theological education in India and the whole of Asia.


From its local setting here in Bangalore, ASIA EVANGELICAL COLLEGE & SEMINARY looks out to the whole of India and Asia and even beyond - to the whole world.  This local, Asian and International perspective reinforces the concern not only for evangelism but to install and implant a missionary vision within the life of everyone who comes to our institution for theological training.


ASIA EVANGELICAL COLLEGE  & SEMINARY’s educational responsibility is clearly seen in the obligation to carry out the teaching task embraced by the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), and our Lord’s commissioning every disciple of His with these words: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (Jn.20:21).

This is reflected in the macro curriculum in the offering of the following subjects:

  1. Bible Study (Old Testament & New Testament)
  2. Christian Doctrine (Biblical & Systematic Theology)
  3. Christian Ethics (Biblical dealing with life issues)
  4. Church History (Organization, polity)
  5. Missions
  6. Techniques of Evangelism
  7. Pastoralia and Pastoral Counseling
  8. Preaching Practicum & Homiletics
  9. Communication
  10. Leadership & Stewardship (Education & Development)
  11. Prayer & Worship
  12. Christianity & Culture


We have various Departments, such as Department of Old Testament, Department of New Testament Studies, Department of Theology, Department of Ethics, Department of Missions, Department of Church History, Department of Preaching Practicum, Department of Communications, and so forth, headed by evangelical Christianity’s finest Professors with many years of wide experiences.

In brief, ASIA EVANGELICAL COLLEGE & SEMINARY is Bible-centered, Evangelical and Interdenominational and is devoted entirely and wholly to the pursuit of excellence in both academic and practical preparation for the Christian ministry, in the Church and related organizations and in theological education



If you experience India, you experience the world.

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